What to Buy
The links on this page are Amazon Affiliate links, aka commissioned links. The price doesn’t change for you, but I might receive a commission based on a sale. These are, in fact, products I use and recommend.
At the time of writing this, I have not started, but this is the calculator “you will need.” C214 now uses Excel, but I have read that you still need the calculator. I will see!
At the time of writing this, I have not started. It is highly recommended that a whiteboard be used for tests. Some people swear it helps with jotting down notes and, of course, doing math. You can get a free small white board from the Owl’s Nest.
This is the board I got. It is double-sided and magnetic, and the little handle comes off. The markers suck but the board is great! I went with the 15.7x11. The policy doesn’t say a size under policy #19.
Optional: It might be good to get some good Dry Erase markers.
Optional: This is what I got. Black fine-tips that are magnetic with an eraser. There is also an eight-pack of assorted colors.
Optional: This is what I got. Black fine-tip with that are magnetic with an eraser.There is also an eight pack assorted colors.
Here is the link to the recommend WGU web cameras, number 14 half way down the page. Here are the approved web cams by WGU.
Completely Optional
Rocketbooks allow you to take notes, scan them to a FREE app (if you want), and then quickly erase the writing with a hand towel and water. So you can keep reusing the same book or note card repeatedly. This is usually something you either love or hate. I use these for work daily and love them. I plan on taking course notes and scanning them when I finish. After using the book or cards, you will see a slight indent impression, just to set your expectations.
Here are some of the products that I use.
If you want to scan your whiteboards, you can get Beacons. You put these orange triangles around anything, and you can quickly scan it into Rocketbook.
You might need a USB extender cable. When writing this, I do not take a proctor exam. From what I have read, the camera needs to be behind you.